Some of our finest work

Boosting Businesses

Boosting Businesses

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Omni Channel contact center

In the current business landscape, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re communicating with your customers through as many channels as possible. 

Enter Spurtcloud: a contact center solution that lets you stay in touch with your customers via email, SMS, fax, and even regular mail (printed).With Spurtcloud, you can easily communicate with your customer base, and track engagement across all channels. Plus, our intuitive interface makes it easy to get started and maintain your omnichannel contact center.

Email: You can easily send emails and invoices to your customers with just a few clicks. You can also track whether or not they open the email and what kind of response they have.

Revenue Growth 65%
Client Retention 100%
New Lead Generation 80%

SMS: You can also communicate with your customers through SMS using Spurtcloud. This is a great way to send reminders or updates about pending invoices. You can also track whether or not they read the SMS and what kind of response they have.

Fax: Spurtcloud also lets you send faxes to your customers. This is a great way to send invoices and reminders.

Regular Mail: You can also send regular mail to your customers using Spurtcloud. Forget printing, stuffing and licking the envelopes and send through registered mail or 1st class mail. You can also provide the link to customer portal in printed letters through a QR code, so they can scan and

So why wait? Sign up for Spurtcloud today and start staying connected to your customers like never before!


Space Retains 100% Of Client Base

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Client Retention 100%
Revenue Growth 65%
New Lead Generation 80%

Why Work With Us?

Trusted by some of the biggest brands…

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Send Us A Message

Quick Contact

Are you facing the following issues?

  • Wasting time doing repeating tasks like sending manual reminder through email and sms?
  • Losing track of customer requests like handing disputes?
  • Increased DSO and reduced cash collection?

Get in touch with us to learn how SpurtCloud can help digitize your A/R Department.