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Boosting Businesses

Boosting Businesses

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Credit Limit Management: Amount and Days

Spurtcloud’s credit limit feature lets you control how much credit your customers can consume, and over what period of time. This helps you keep track of credit consumption and take appropriate action to extend or reduce credits.You can set the credit limit for each customer in terms of amount and days. This way, you can easily see how much credit they have used and how much time they have left. If a customer is close to their limit, you can take action to extend their credit or reduce their consumption.This feature is especially useful for businesses that rely on credit to function. It helps you manage your risk and keep your customers happy.

Through rule engine, users can also trigger workflow tasks based on the percentage amount of credit limit used or no of credit days passed.

Revenue Growth 65%
Client Retention 100%
New Lead Generation 80%

Space Retains 100% Of Client Base

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Client Retention 100%
Revenue Growth 65%
New Lead Generation 80%

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Are you facing the following issues?

  • Wasting time doing repeating tasks like sending manual reminder through email and sms?
  • Losing track of customer requests like handing disputes?
  • Increased DSO and reduced cash collection?

Get in touch with us to learn how SpurtCloud can help digitize your A/R Department.