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Boosting Businesses

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Intelligent Dashboard showing KPI’s

Using out-of-the-box reports can help you dive deeper into your accounts receivable to get a better sense of where your money is coming from and how it changes over time. Doing so can help you make more informed decisions about your business.To get started, take a look at some of the most popular out-of-the-box reports for Accounts Receivable:

Aging Report: This report shows all unpaid invoices by customer, broken down into 30-day increments. This is a helpful way to see which customers owe you money, and how long those invoices have been outstanding.

Payment History: This report provides a history of all payments made by each customer. This can be helpful in understanding customer payment patterns and trends.

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Sales by Customer: This report shows how much each customer has spent with your business over time. This can be helpful in understanding which customers are your most valuable and loyal customers.

DSO Report: DSO is a measure of the number of days it takes your company to collect payments from its customers. This metric is important because it can impact your company’s cash flow. A high DSO means that it takes your company longer to collect payments, which can put strain on your cash flow. Additionally, a high DSO can indicate that your customers are not paying their invoices on time, which could lead to financial problems for your company.

Top Debtors List: This provides the list of top 20 delinquent customers by balance.

Invoice Disputes: This provides the list of outstanding invoices for which a dispute has been raised by a client.

CEI: The Collections Effectiveness Index is a popular metric across industries that gives Order to Cash leaders a better understanding of how their A/R teams perform. The CEI is calculated by taking the number of days an invoice is outstanding and dividing it by the total number of days in the billing period. This metric is used to measure the performance of Accounts Receivable teams and to benchmark their performance against other companies in their industry. The CEI is a valuable metric for Accounts Receivable leaders because it provides insight into team productivity and trends over time. Additionally, the CEI can be used to benchmark the performance of Accounts Receivable teams against other companies in their industry. This metric is helpful for identifying areas of improvement for Accounts Receivable teams and for setting goals and targets.

INVOICE COHORT: In essence, an Invoice cohort tracks groups of invoices that were issued in the same month. This allows you to see which invoices are being paid on time and which ones are not. By tracking this information, you can make adjustments to your process to improve your cash collection. Receivables cohorts show you how quickly customers are paying their invoices. There are a few different ways to set up billing cohorts. The most common is to group invoices by the month they were issued. So, all invoices issued in January would be tracked together, all invoices issued in February would be tracked together, and so on.


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Client Retention 100%
Revenue Growth 65%
New Lead Generation 80%

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Are you facing the following issues?

  • Wasting time doing repeating tasks like sending manual reminder through email and sms?
  • Losing track of customer requests like handing disputes?
  • Increased DSO and reduced cash collection?

Get in touch with us to learn how SpurtCloud can help digitize your A/R Department.