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Boosting Businesses

Boosting Businesses

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WorkFlow: No Code WorkFlow Designer for building Intelligent Workflows

This helps reduce the cost of adaptation, learning curve for the team and company.

WorkFlow Designer goes hand in hand with Rule Engine as all the actions that are being configured in Rule engine are designed through workflow designer.

Initially when you sign up for SpurtCloud, you will see a set of workflows already built-in-system and ready for use. This enables small businesses to start using software almost immediately.

Revenue Growth 65%
Client Retention 100%
New Lead Generation 80%

Designer has following activities available for use: Lets you send personalized email to customers and other contacts in the system. System will select the template based on the language of customers so they can have personalized experience. SMS: Lets you send personalized sms to customers and other contacts in the system. System will select the template based on the language of customers so he can have personalized experience. Lets you send personalized FAX to customer and other contacts in the system. System will select the template based on the language of customers so they can have more personalized experience. PRINT: Lets you create physical mail for customers and other contacts in the system. System will select the template based on the language of customers so they can have more personalized experience. Letters can be sent as 1st Class or Certified. WAIT TIMER: You can use the Wait Timer to delay an activity from happening. By default, the timer is set to 1 day. You can change this by clicking on the timer and adjusting the time. You can delay activity by days, hours and minutes or in combination of all three. MANUAL REVIEW: When an account is placed in a manual review bucket, it means that there is something about the account that needs to be looked at more closely. This could be for a number of reasons, such as suspicious activity or incomplete information. Manual review is usually done by customer service representatives who will look at the account and determine what the next steps should be. In some cases, they may need to contact the customer by phone to get more information. Accounts that are in manual review can be found under the chase screen, where the user can review the accounts and take appropriate next action. STATUS UPDATE: This lets the system change the milestone/status/Status Reason of the account. ADD NOTES: Add notes automatically in the system. RISK CLASS UPDATE: Lets you change the risk class of the account. LOGICAL DECISION: Lets you configure the workflow to take decision based on different parameters available in the system like last payment date days, Has an outstanding amount, etc? INVOICE STATUS UPDATE: Let you change the status of Invoice.


Space Retains 100% Of Client Base

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Client Retention 100%
Revenue Growth 65%
New Lead Generation 80%

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Are you facing the following issues?

  • Wasting time doing repeating tasks like sending manual reminder through email and sms?
  • Losing track of customer requests like handing disputes?
  • Increased DSO and reduced cash collection?

Get in touch with us to learn how SpurtCloud can help digitize your A/R Department.